Thursday, January 7, 2016

Protection and Provision

     What is it that makes people want safety and protection more than freedom and liberty? Today people want the government to take care of them, to provide all that they could possibly need, yet if they looked at history this was never a good thing! Have you ever heard of the old story of "owing the company store"?  That's where people lived and worked in an area that the company they worked for also owned the local grocery store. The people would work all week so they could go to the store on their payday and give all of their money to the store to buy the food they needed to live for the next week, so they could work all week and then repeat the cycle.
     These days people have been enticed to receive food stamps, health care, housing, cell phones and anything else they aren't able to provide for themselves, all from the government. (I do want to say here that there are some people that aren't able to provide for themselves, but many people that receive these benefits could do something to help themselves if they really needed to, if the welfare check wasn't going to arrive they might find a way to support themselves.)
     The point of this article is that the more handouts we take from the government, the more we developing a slave mentality. We are becoming a society of economic slaves. We work to pay the "government store". (What happened to the idea that those who don't work, don't eat? 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11 )
     I am currently studying in scripture where Moses was enduring the complaining of the multitude of Hebrews that were being led away from slavery. Were they thanking him? NO! they were complaining about how good they had it in the slavery that he had come to lead them from! Yet, Moses was sent by God to lead the Hebrews from their captivity in Egypt because of the outcry they had caused. They were complaining about being slaves and their treatment by the Egyptian government and then they complained about their freedom and there treatment by life! The lesson I'm learning here is that people will always complain!
     Now, I'm wondering what point God is making in all of this? It sounds hopeless, doesn't it? If you follow the Hebrew's experience further, the lessons they were being shown was that God is always there and ready to take care of them (and us). Just ask Him, quit complaining and grumbling, quit looking to man for our needs to be met.
     Once we really learn this lesson we will rejoice and praise God! We will learn to live in peace with each other! Our only problem will be that there is an enemy running around Earth, trying to steal, kill and destroy us, but if we have truly learned the lesson of depending on God for our safety, protection and provision then the enemy will not be able to tear us away from that. Beloved, learn to draw close to our Heavenly Father, He is all we need. We don't need for the government to treat us like little children that need to be told what to do and what not to do, we need God...we need to draw close to Him and walk under His care daily.
     If we turn and take one step towards Him, He runs to us! He cleans us up, He repairs us and prepares us! Choose Him as your Protector and Provider.

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