Monday, January 23, 2017

God's Net of Believers and Prayer

     A really cool visual that I was given for the body of believers was a fishing net. Where the knots form is where a believer is in the world and each strand going to the knot is a prayer lifting and strengthening that Follower of Christ through the power of the Spirit. The more prayers spoken and lifted for each person made more strands going to knots representing the people.
     With each strand added to our fabric we become stronger in the net, but the net also grew stronger. When you consider this concept, think about how many people you want to strengthen in God's net of believers? Of course we want to pray for our families, but it should go beyond that. Look at the knots at the edge of the net, they have maybe one or two prayers lifted for them? They are in danger of being ripped away! We do not want to see anyone ripped away, but it happens frequently, people disappear from church, nobody checks on them, nobody prays for them....or maybe one or two people do. They are in need of more people praying for them and it will cost you nothing to speak that prayer!
     There is not a person in our circle of acquaintances that doesn't need to be prayed for, and even more people that we may never personally meet.  When you stand in line at a store...Pray for the President and Leaders of our Country! when you catch a red light...Pray for your State and Community Leaders! When a friend snaps at you, Pray for them! When the Pastor doesn't bring a message that you can relate to, Pray for them! When the Praise Leader "misses it", Pray for them! When you hear a popular praise song, Pray for the Artist! When you read an uplifting book, Pray for the Author! 
     Turn your natural nature of grumbling towards working for the Kingdom! When you're tempted to grumble, there must be something there to pray about! Lift your heart, your thoughts and your spirit towards heaven and make God's net of believers grow stronger through the prayers you speak over others! 


  1. I love it Lorna! A very good reminder.

    1. Thank you Laura for reading and commenting! I know a lot of these are like "preaching to the choir", so thank you for the encouragement!
