Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No Boundary!

Good Morning Father in Heaven! Abba!
     Thank you for meeting me, thank You for this time to spend with You in fellowship. Time to read Your words, to sing Your praise and to grow in intimacy with You. Thank You that You are faithful even to the point of waiting for me.
     It is too great to fathom that as great, and powerful, and loving as You are, that I've left You waiting and not even been faithful to seek You! Who am I that You take notice of me? Who am I that I can be so foolish to leave the great Creator waiting for me? I am a foolish woman! I have sought my own ways, my own desires - how inconceivable! My spirit is humbled with the shame of my own blindness! Please forgive me Lord - please take me out of my shame - help me to step out of this self-imposed arrogant blindness! Let me seek You constantly in all things!
     In each hour, each minute let me see and know Your presence and guidance. Let the distant drumbeat that I march to be Your heartbeat! Let there be no boundary between You and me! Let my existence be completely enveloped within Your presence!
     I won't relent until You have it all~

(the last line is lyrics from Misty Edwards Song "You Won't Relent")
Song Link

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